
Stable Diffusion web UIにControlNetをインストール


Stable Diffusion web UIのExtensionsタブで”Install from URL”を選んで”URL for extension’s git repository”に下記URLを入力して”Install”ボタンを押します。


インストールが完了したら、”Installed”を選び、”Apply and restart UI”ボタンを押します。



  1. canny:輪郭検出アルゴリズムを使用するモデル
  2. depth:画像の深度情報を元に画像生成を行うモデル
  3. hed:色変更やスタイル設定に適したモデル
  4. mlsd:直線的な輪郭の検出アルゴリズムを使用するモデル
  5. normal:法線マップ(ノーマルマップ)を使用するモデル
  6. openpose:ポーズ検出を使って画像生成を行うモデル
  7. scribble:落書きを元に画像生成を行うモデル
  8. seg:セマンティックセグメンテーションを使用するモデル

ダウンロードしたら、stable diffusion web UI配下の”extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models“フォルダに入れます。



 canny と control_canny-fp16.safetensors
 openposeやopenpose_hand と control_openpose-fp16.safetensors



03335-790123229-angel in the light, white dress, wing, masterpiece, best quality


03336-4135284968-angel in the light, night, masterpiece, best quality


03337-3765571428-angel in the light, night, masterpiece, best quality


03338-2676016288-angel in the light, night, masterpiece, best quality


03365-1142225586-pin-up model, idol, chair, masterpiece, best quality


03361-1301714016-pin-up model, idol, chair, masterpiece, best quality





03426-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03427-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03428-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03429-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03430-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03431-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03432-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality
03433-2481628271-18 years old hatsune miku, white t-shirt, black pants, running, black background, masterpiece, best quality



03465-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03466-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03467-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03469-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03470-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03471-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03472-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03473-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03474-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03475-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03476-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03477-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03478-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03479-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03480-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03481-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03482-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03483-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality
03484-2030801829-cute girl , red and white japanese shrine dress, dance,  white hair, white background,, masterpiece, best quality

(追記) 下記記事で、openposeの骨格モデルを編集できるOpenPose Editorや、実写風画像の生成について書きましたので合わせてご覧ください。


  1. ピンバック: #StableDiffusion で 実写風女性画像生成に適したモデル3選 と モデルのマージ #ControlNet による姿勢の指定に便利な openpose-editor | Digital Life Innovator

  2. ピンバック: 最新実写美少女モデル #BRAV5 と イラストモデル #AnythingV4 の併用による AIコスプレ写真 と #DepthLib での手の補正 #StableDiffusion #LoRA #ControlNet #コスプレ | Digital Life Innovator

  3. ピンバック: Stable Diffusion の mov2mov で AI動画作成 #StableDiffusion #mov2mov #ControlNet | Digital Life Innovator

  4. ピンバック: 2023年の振り返り | Digital Life Innovator
